Meet Our Faculty
Chair and Advisors
Department Chair
Fernando Bosco
Storm Hall 310
(619) 594-7187
Undergraduate Advisor
Jacob Rowlett
Storm Hall 301B
Masters Advisor
Hilary McMillan
Storm Hall 308B
Joint Doctoral Program Director
Piotr Jankowski
Storm Hall 301C
(619) 594-0640
Stuart C. Aitken, Ph.D.
June Burnett Chair
Professor Emeritus (on FERP)
Youth, Society, and Environment; Political Ecology; Migration and Borders; Geographies of Children, Young People, and Families; Geographies of Cities; Livelihoods; Media Geographies
Jessica Barlow, Ph.D.
Geography Internships Coordinator; Executive Director, Center for Regional Sustainability
Brownfields; Community Engagement; Community-Based Participatory Research; Environmental Justice; Sustainability; Sustainable Cities
Trent Biggs, Ph.D.
Hydrological Processes and Modeling; Remote Sensing for Watershed Science; Social-Ecological Systems; Spatial Analysis and Modelling; Land Cover and Land Use Change Analysis; Environmental Planning and Policy; Sediment, Erosion, and Water Quality; Data Science
Fernando Bosco, Ph.D.
Department Chair
(619) 594-7187
Youth, Society, and Environment; Political Ecology; Migration and Borders; Geographies of Food; Geographies of Children, Young People, and Families; Geographies of Cities; Political Geography and Social Movements
Fernando De Sales, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Regional Climate Modeling; Remote Sensing and Watershed Science; Land Cover and Land Use; Wildfire Processes; Landscape Ecology
Janet Franklin, Ph.D.
Conservation Biogeography; Global Change Biology; Species Distribution Modeling; Plant Community Ecology; Spatial Ecology; Landscape Ecology; Geospatial Information Science
Piotr Jankowski, Ph.D.
Joint Doctoral Program Director
(619) 594-0640
Spatial Analysis and Modelling; Geocomputation; Applied GIS; Environmental Planning and Policy; Cartography and Geovisualization; Data Science
Pascale Joassart-Marcelli, Ph.D.
Director, Urban Studies Program
Professor (on leave Fall 2024)
Geography of Food and Food Systems; Political Ecology; Migration and Borders; Geographies of Food; Geographies of Children, Young People, and Families; Geographies of Cities; Livelihoods; Political Geography and Social Movements
Arielle Levine, Ph.D.
Director, Sustainability Major
(619) 594-5600
Social-Ecological Systems; Environmental Planning and Policy; Geography of Food and Food Systems; Political Ecology; Participatory GIS; Ocean and Coastal Management
Keavy McFadden, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Urban Development; Urban Infrastructure; Education; Social Movements; Community-Based Research
Hilary McMillan, Ph.D.
Master’s Program Advisor
Hydrologic Processes and Modeling; Watershed Hydrology; Streamflow Dynamics; Big Data and Machine Learning in Hydrology
Leandra Merz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Wildlife Crime; Gender and Conservation; Sustainable Development; Natural Resource Governance
Atsushi Nara, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Applied GIS; Geocomputation; Spatial Analysis and Modelling; Data Science
John F. O’Leary, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus (on FERP)
Environmental Planning and Policy; Land Cover and Land Use Change Analysis; Vegetation Mapping and Monitoring; Wildfire Processes; Landscape Ecology
Amy Quandt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Environmental Planning and Policy, Geography of Food and Food Systems, Political Ecology, Social-Ecological Systems, Livelihoods
Sergio Rey, Ph.D.
Spatial Data Science, Geocomputation, Spatial Inequality Dynamics, Regional Science, and Open Science
André Skupin, Ph.D.
Professor (on leave AY 2024-2025)
(619) 594-6946
Cartography and Geovisualization; Geocomputation; Spatial Analysis and Modelling; Applied GIS; Data Science
Daniel Sousa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Remote Sensing, Spectral Biogeography, Spatiotemporal Analysis
Ming-Hsiang Tsou, Ph.D.
Director, Big Data Analytics Program
(619) 594-0205
Applied GIS; Cartography and Geovisualization; Geocomputation; Spatial Analysis and Modelling; Data Science
Edward Aguado, Ph.D.
Physical Geography, Weather and Climate
Li An, Ph.D.
Social-Ecological Systems; Environmental Planning and Policy; Land Cover and Land
Use Change Analysis; Applied GIS; Cartography and Geovisualization; Geocomputation;
Spatial Analysis and Modelling; Landscape Ecology
George Christakos, Ph.D.
Social-Ecological Systems; Environmental Planning and Policy; Applied GIS; Spatial
Analysis and Modelling
Barbara E. Fredrich, Ph.D.
Latin America, Biogeography, Cultural Geography, Geographic Education
Molly (Pohl) Costello, Ph.D.
Physical and Environmental Geography
Ernst C. Griffin, Ph.D.
Cultural Geography, Economic Geography, Land Use, Central and South America
Allen S. Hope, Ph.D.
Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Climate and Land Cover Change, Environmental Modeling

Physical Geography, Coastal and Fluvial Geomorphology, Quantitative Methods
Philip Pryde, Ph.D.
Policy and Management Issues regarding Protected Natural Areas, Environmental Issues
in the Former Soviet Republics
Alan Osborn, Ph.D.
Cultural and Regional Geography
Imre E. Quastler, Ph.D.
Cultural Geography, Transportation Geography, North America
Diana Richardson, M.A.
Land Use Analysis and Planning, Recreational Land Use, Environmental and Resource
Conservation, U.S. Geography
Douglas A. Stow, Ph.D.
Environmental Planning and Policy; Land Cover and Land Use Change Analysis; Remote Sensing; Applied GIS; Vegetation Mapping and Monitoring; Wildfire Processes; Landscape Ecology
Frederick P. Stutz, Ph.D.
World Economy, Trade, International Business, Europe, Transportation, GIS
Richard D. Wright, Ph.D.
GIS, U.S.-Mexico Border Geospatial Data Integration, Map Interpretation and Analysis,
Water Conservation
Keith Clarke, Ph.D.
Geographic Information Science
Giorgio Hadi Curti, Ph.D.
Geography and Philosophy; Affect, Emotion and the Body; Politics of Place; Media Geographies;
Urban Geographies
Gabriela Fernandez, Ph.D.
Urban Metabolism, Industrial Ecology, Material Flow Analysis, Urban Planning, Spatial
Analysis and Modeling, Environmental Planning and Policy, Sustainable Development,
Resource Management, Circular Economy
Abigail Golden, Ph.D.
Fishery Systems
Thomas Herman, Ph.D.
Urban social geography; children and families
Barbara Hordyniec, Ph.D.
Spatial databases, geolocated data, Spatio-temporal data processing and geovisualization,
GIS and cartography, Big Data exploration, analysis, processing and visualization,
Urban mobility - mobile phone, mobile app and Intelligent Transport System data analysis,
Open-source software and data application
David Lopez-Carr, Ph.D.
Human-Environment Relations
Alex Messina, Ph.D.
Environmental Monitoring of Surface and Stormwater
Christopher M. Moreno, Ph.D.
Geography and Anthropology; Ethnographic and Qualitative Methodologies; Children,
Families, and Communities; Health; Media
Alan Murray, Ph.D.
Urban, regional, and natural resource planning and development, Spatial decision support
system and GIS application and development
Sagar Parajuli, Ph.D.
Regional climate modeling, dust aerosols, aerosol-climate interactions, air quality
modeling, remote sensing and extreme heat
Akshay Pottathil, Ph.D.
Data Fusion, Global Security, Strategic Application Development, Humanitarian Assistance
& Disaster Relief, International Policy and Trade
Reza Rahimi, Ph.D.
Deep Learning, AI, Cyber and Intelligence Solutions
Waverly Ray, Ph.D.
Geographic education
Nara Luisa Reis De Andrade, Ph.D.
Environmental Physics, Hydrology and water quality, climate implications
João Gilberto Ribeiro, Ph.D.
Sanitary engineering and environmental technology, environment and water resources
Phillip J. Riggan, Ph.D.
Fire remote sensing, fire behavior, global consequences of wildland fire in tropical
Jan Seibert, Ph.D.
Hydrology, Catchment Modeling, Uncertainty Analysis
Emanuel Storey, Ph.D.
Landscape Ecology, Biogeography
Kate Swanson, Ph.D.
Youth, Society, and Environment; Political Ecology; Migration and Borders; Geographies
of Children, Young People, and Families
Alexandra D. Syphard, Ph.D.
Interactions among human and natural disturbances, Fire ecology and pyrogeography
Kellie Uyeda, Ph.D.
Remote Sensing, Fire ecology
A. Stewart Walker, Ph.D.
Photogrammetry, LiDAR and remote sensing
Melissa Ward, Ph.D.
Natural Climate Solutions, Coastal Carbon Cycling