Doctoral Program Forms
Forms that JDP students need to complete as they move forward in the program. Please refer to the Joint Doctoral Handbook (linked below) or the UCSB Forms and Petitions page for further details.
- Joint Doctoral Degree Committee Form I and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form I & COI
To nominate Doctoral Committee - Joint Doctoral Degree Form II
Report on Qualifying Examinations for the Joint Doctoral Degree Form II
To report the outcome of the qualifying exam to advance to doctoral candidacy
Joint Doctoral Handbook
The Doctoral Handbook contains information regarding operation and procedures for the program. JDP students
should consult the handbook as they progress through the program, and in particular
when preparing for one of the milestones in the program (e.g., committee formation,
qualifying examinations) and prior to going to UCSB for your required one-year residency.
Enrollment, Leave of Absence and Withdrawal from Program
Enrollment in GEOG 890 (Independent Study, Doctoral), GEOG 897 (Doctoral Research) and GEOG 899 (Doctoral Dissertation) requires completion of the Special Study/Research Registration form.
Students must be continuously enrolled in the joint doctoral program from the semester in which they are admitted. Otherwise, they must have an approved leave of absence on file. Failure to follow these rules can result in termination from the JDP.
Before taking a leave, JDP students must first discuss it with their academic advisor and the JDP program advisor. SDSU regulations indicate that if students have completed one semester, they are eligible to take a leave of absence one semester at a time to a maximum of two. Students must be in good academic standing in the program and must not have a “hold” of any kind on the registration—cashiers, library, immunization, etc. Students must request a leave each semester they wish to be absent. Learn more on requesting a leave of absence by visiting the Office of the Registrar page.
JDP regulations require written notification to the program directors/advisors, who will then consider the case and make a determination regarding approval.
Students wishing to withdraw from the program should submit a letter to both graduate advisors (SDSU and UCSB) letting them know they are withdrawing from the program, and the effective date.
Dr. Piotr Jankowski
Office: Storm Hall 301C
Phone: (619) 594-0640
Email: [email protected]