Completed Theses
Schag, Gavin M. Evaluating Landscape-level Controls of Wildfire Spread Rates Using Repetitive Airborne Thermal Infrared (ATIR) Imagery. (Stow, Nara, Kinoshita)
Konrad, Leilani Shizuko Rita. Exploring human perceptions and conflict surrounding human-seal use of beaches in California and Hawai’i. (Levine, Swanson, Lewison)
de la Torre, Luis. Characterizing Hyporheic Exchange and Nutrient Retention in Urban Streams (Biggs, McMillan, Mladenov)
Huang, Haihong. Development and Evaluation of Health Web Mapper: A Web-Based User-Friendly Geovisualization Tool for Cancer Disapartities (Tsou, Nara, Thompson)
Kramer, Joel. Dynamics of Water Availability in Aridland Agriculture (Biggs, Stow, Abman, Marcelli)
McGurk, Garrett. Geochemical Sediment Source Identification in a Semi-Arid Urbanized Watershed: Implications for Improved Soil Loss Modeling (Biggs, McMillan, Girty)
Monteverde, Corrie. Climate Change Impacts on Winegrowing Regions in Southern California: From the Perspective of a Regional Climate Model (De Sales, McMillan, Abman)
Monteverde, Kristen. Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping of the San Diego Region: An Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Change (Nara, Biggs, Rockwell)
Scurlock, Alyson. Urban Agriculture in San Diego: Garden Characteristics, Practices, and Environmental Outcomes (McMillan, Marcelli, Perez)
Tenenbaum, Jesse. Identity, Connectivity, and Governance: Perspectives from Contemporary RAPA NUI (Bosco, Swanson, Perez)
Wallace, Sierra. Determining Sources of Recharge In An Urban, Semi-Arid Aquifer: Using Stable Isotopes As Tracers (McMillan, Biggs, Lai)
Yen, Chi-Feng. Histogram Curve Matching Approach for Geographic Object-Based Image Change Analysis for Urban Land Use (Stow, Tsou, Ryan)
Barrett, Lara. The Sensitivity of Runoff to Climate Variability in Two California Watersheds (Biggs, McMillan, Kinoshita)
Feddema, Rodney. Struggling with Salinity: Patterns and Drivers of Groundwater Quality Change in the Mexicali Valley, Mexico (Biggs, McMillan, Mladenov)
Gilliam, Shea. Gender Rolls: The Contentious Integration of Transgender Identities into the Feminist Spaces of Women’s Roller Derby (Swanson, Bosco, Mattingly)
Mak, Judy. Agent Based Modeling of Rhinopithecus Brelichi Population and Movements in the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve (An, Nara, Lewison)
Pickett Corona, Stefany. Analyzing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Pokemon Go Game Users and the Impacts of Users’ Physical Activities (Tsou, Nara, Crespo)
Plummer, Matthew. The Effect of Shadow Normalization on the Automatic Image Registration of Aerial Imagery (Stow, Nara, Kumar)
Rother, David. Understanding Groundwater Variability: Modeling Groundwater Storage Change in Southern California (De Sales, Biggs, Kinoshita)
Allen, Jason. Evaluating Differences in Riparian Vegetation in Semi-Arid Watersheds of San Diego County (Biggs, O'Leary, Kinoshita, Stow)
Coronado, Alejandra. Spatial Associations and Network Dynamics between the Vaccine Exemption Discussion in Twitter and the Corresponding Geographic Space (Tsou, Nara, Peddecord)
Delgado, Emanuel. Unintended Consequence of "Gentrification" in Barrio Logan? (Swanson, Joassart-Marcelli, Hernandez)
Granovskaya, Yelena. Mapping Agricultural Change in the Imperial and Mexicali Valleys, 2000-2014 (Biggs, Stow, Ganster)
Grant, Christina. An Analysis of San Diego County's Housing Market Using a Geographically Weighted Regression Approach (Jankowski, Christakos, Csomay)
Hicks, Bridget. Collaborative Efforts Towards Connectivity Conservation: A Case Study of the Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative (Levine, Swanson, Lauer)
Huang, Cheng-Chia. Developing a Data Mining Framework to Identify a Sense of Gentrification through Social Media Data: A Case Study Using Instagram Posts in Salt Lake City, Utah (Nara, Tsou, Gibbons)
Kerr, Andrew. Optimizing Radiometric Fidelity to Enhance Aerial Image Change Detection Utilizing Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) Cameras (Stow, Nara, Kumar)
Lee, Ying. Mapping tourist behavior hotspots through photo-sharing service data (Tsou, Nara, Liu)
McCormick, Gregory. Water Quality and Sources of Nutrient Loads in Watersheds of American Samoa (Biggs, Levine, Mladenov)
Salamone, Kelly. Surfing Towards Marine Conservation? An Examination of World Surfing Reserves as Marine Conservation Practice (Swanson, Joassart-Marcelli, Ponting)
Salinas, Maegan. Opportunities for Water Conservation in Imperial Valley, California Using EEFlux Evapotranspiration and Lands at NDVI (Biggs, Stow, Kinoshita)
Schweizer, Eugene Jr.. Automating Near Real-Time, Post-Hazard Detection of Crack Damage to Critical Infrastructure (Stow, Nara, Kumar)
Snavely, Rachel. Mapping Vegetation Community Types in a Highly-Disturbed Landscape: Integrating Object-Based Image Analysis with Digital Surface Models (Stow, O'Leary, Zink)
Taugher, Sean. Segregation's Impact on Latino and African-American Educational Attainment in Charlotte, North Carolina (Weeks, Getis, Ryan)
Thompson, Gardner. Exploratory Analysis of Longitudinal Data: Design and Impplementation of a Trispace Solution (Skupin, Pottathil, McIllwain)
Zhang, Hao. Building a Dynamic Population Distribution Model with Geo-Tagged Tweets (from Twitter) and Dasymetric Maps in Urban Areas (Tsou, Nara, Gibbons)
Zhang, Qingyun. Building Dynamic Ontological Models for Place Names Using Social Media Data from Twitter and Sina Weibo (Tsou, Nara, Gawron)
Battle, Curtis. Sex-Specific Habitat Suitability Models for Panthera tigris in Chitwan National Park, Nepal (An, Jankowski, Lewison)
Chase, Sarah. Evaluating Citizen Science for Natural Resource Monitoring: Participant Motivations, Attitude and Behavioral Change, and the Influence of Natural Resources Characteristics on Program Potential (Levine, Farley, Lewison)
Clark, Allison. Controls Over Spatial and Temporal Variations in Annual Actual Evapotranspiration in Snow-Free California Watersheds (Hope, Biggs, Lai)
Dozier, Jessica. Improve Disaster Communication in Online and Offline Communities Using Social Media (Twitter) and Big Data (Tsou, Nara, Spitzberg)
Handa, Lesley. A Study of Waterbirds Wintering in Mission Bay Combining Field Methods and GIS (Tsou, Levine, Hovel, Shaffer)
Issa, Elias. Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Twitter Data with Geo-Tagged and Non-Geo-Tagged Content: Two Case studies with the Topic of Flu and TED (Movie) (Tsou, Nara, Spitzberg)
MacDonald, Garrick. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Conservation Planning: Designing Conservation Area Networks in San Diego County (Jankowski, Nara, Lewison)
Paloma, Cynthia. Developing a Collaborative Multimedia Learning Platform for GIScience Education: A Case Study in Designing an Interactive Textbook for iPad (Tsou, Jankowski, Dodge)
Seymour, Whitney. Hydrologic and Geologic Controls on Groundwater Recharge into the Mojave River Floodplain Aquifer (Biggs, Hope, Kinoshita)
St. Lifer, Samuel. Evaluating the Potential for Urban Land Development Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (Jankowski, Nara, Appleyard)
Taflin, Helena. Neighbourhood Food Retail Environment and Health Outcomes Among Urban Ghanaian Women (Weeks, Bosco, Hovel, Lopez-Carr)
Butler, Kathleen. Reconfigureing Spaces of Capital in Southern California: A Political Ecology of the Imperial Valley - San Diego County Water Transfer Agreement (Debbané, Swanson, Carruthers)
Chavis, Christopher. Assessing the Accuracy and Repeatability of Automated Photogrammetrically Generated Digital Surface Models from Unmannned Aerial System Imagery (Stow, Biggs, Kumar)
Chuang, Yi-Ting. Utilizing Mobile Technology in GIS Education: A Case Study of Using iPad and iBooks in Fieldwork and Location Based Exercises (Tsou, Jankowski, Wang)
Evans, Hannah. Sustainable Sugar? Commodity Chains, Ethical Consumption, and the Violent Geographies fo Sugar Production in Nicaragua (Joassart-Marcelli, Debbané, Carruthers)
Hanscom, Laurel. Assessing Vulnerability: A Synthesis of Climate Change Impacts to Agriculture (Farley, Swanson, Giordano)
Lazootin, Taya. Retention and release of Stream Water and Nutrients Downstream of an Urban Center in San Diego County (Biggs, Levine, Gersberg)
Samarin, Alex. Assessing Sensitivity and Exposure of Irrigated Agriculture to Drought in the Krishna River Basin, India (Biggs, Farley, Lauer)
Shih, Hsiao-Chien. Determining the Type and Starting Time of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Ghana Gased on Discrete Analysis of Dense LANDSAT Image Time Series (Stow, Weeks, Caves)
Storey, Emanuel. Postfire Regrowth Trajectories in Chamise Chaparral Based on Multi-Temporal LANDSAT Imagery (Stow, O'Leary, Xie)
Stotz, Nicole. Usability Evaluation of Cloud-Based Mapping Tools for the Display of Very Large Datasets (Tsou, Jankowski, Eckberg)
Walsh, Kyle. Open House on the Open Range: Rangeland Conversion in San Luis Obispo County, California (Farley, Levine, Conway)
View a complete list of theses for Geography on the SDSU library's site.