Master’s Program Forms
Below are links to forms that Master’s students need to complete as they move forward in the program. Please refer to the Master’s student handbook for further details.
Master’s Handbook
The Master's Handbook contains information regarding the procedures of the program. Students should consult the handbook as they progress and in particular when preparing for one of the milestones in the program (e.g., committee formation, proposal defense).
Program of Study Forms
Additional Forms
- Special Study Contract (for students taking either 797 or 798 courses)
- Completion of Thesis Proposal Defense
- Petition for Academic Adjustment (i.e., for students who need to update their program of study or get approval of a 596 course)
- Completion of Thesis in an Approved Format
- Additional forms can be found on the Division of Graduate Affairs e-forms page
- Students must provide a copy of the email from the IRB office showing that they submitted their study for IRB approval. Learn more about the IRB Submission Process.